Friday, October 29, 2004

Healthier and healthier

People are noticing “hey Stephane, you lost weight!” Yep! More than 40 pounds of it! The second question is always, “What is your secret? The Atkins?”
Not at all, here is what I’m doing:

80% vegetables (40% is raw and the other 40% lightly steams)
20% comprise legumes, nuts, and fruits.
Drink lots and lots of water at least 4.5l of it.
No pasta.
No processed food.
No sugar.
No chocolate.
No diary products.
No eggs.
No peanuts.
No mushrooms (because it is a fungus)
No vinegar (don't need the extra acid)
No meat.
No coffee, tea.
No alcohol
I jog 45 minutes or more at least 3 times a week
I lift weights 30 minutes at least 3 times a week

Here and here is why I eliminated meet from my diet. I could not believe how animal farming is a drain to the environment .
Notmilk and MilkSucks have compelling reasons to stop consuming diary products.
What about calcium, iron etc…


At November 1, 2004 at 12:11 p.m., Blogger carmilevy said...

I admire you for having the strength to make such a significant change in your life. You are an example to us all.

At November 1, 2004 at 7:39 p.m., Blogger Stephane Tardif said...

Your life viewed through your writing is an inspireration us all as well!

Thank you Carmi!


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